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Puppy Phases

This Page describes age appropriate goals for your puppy

2-4 Months Safe Phase

Puppies need a sense of security during this stage. Doing things such as allowing them to sleep in the bed or near you will help make them feel safe after the transition of leaving their mom. 



Potty training and playing the name game should be your main focus at this age.  


Your growing puppy will need a lot of rest, so just playing when the puppy wants to is advised. 

4-7 Months Chewing Phase

At this stage you can compare them to two-year olds. They cannot be expected to undertsand consequences,

so patience is the best thing you can give them.


Chew Toys

They are going to have the urge to chew so providing healthy options is key.  


You can start to take them on relaxed walks and outings.  

9-12 Months Exercise/Exposure Phase

They can begin to understand consequences and you can start to expect more from them when correcting behavior. 



Try to keep the training light and the day to day essentials. 


They now have a higher energy level and will need more committed walks and mental stimuli.  


This is the beginning of their fear period and light socialization in addition to taking your puppy to new places will help them to be confident dogs. 

1-1.5 Years Training Phase

Their brains have now fully matured and they are able to understand consequences and their hyper teenage energy is dying down. 



This is the time to take training seriously, as the dog can understand consequences, and can mentally handle corrections. Work on perfecting recall, leash pulling, and obsessive barking. 


They need regular physical and mental stimulation. 

To learn more about poodles visit our common questions page.

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